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Author Q&A

Steve Jaffe answers some frequently asked questions by his readers: 

Q.  Have you always written fiction?

A.   No.  I always wanted to write a novel, but my career had gotten in the way.  After developing heart disease and having to retire, I began writing as a healing process.   Once I started,  I have not been able to stop.  

Q.  How did you learn to write fiction?

A.  I took a few writing classes, bought some books on writing fiction and began the to write.  I   believe, if you have a story to tell, then you should write about it.  Each completed story is a learning process for me and  I expect each completed novel will guide me toward constant and never-ending improvement in my writing and voice.

Q.  How long does it take you to write a story of novel length?

A.  If I can allocate 100% of my time toward writing, then I can complete a novel in 30 days.  However, it is the editing and constant changes that take place that make the writing process lengthy.

Q.  How are you able to complete so many novels in such a short period time?

A.  I have been writing since 2000.    Since retiring in 1999 I have tried to do things that I love and writing seems to occupy a lot of my time.  I love weaving a tale from real life, which offers me a lot of subjects to write about.  I presently have three outlines and partially completed stories that are just waiting to be finished.  I love to write and plan of doing it until my fingers can no longer play on my keyboard. 

Q.  Why are your villains so dark and evil?

A.  Aren’t villains supposed to be that way?  I try to create my bad guys from personal experience, allowing some artistic privilege to add the needed emotion for my story.  I believe that in real life, there are some very passionate “villains” that pose as our leaders, and I enjoy having them in all of my stories.


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